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When you were a small child you were free. You were wild. You needed to be trained to behave the way your parents wanted you to behave, you needed to be trained to function in the world. You developed ways, instinctively, of getting your needs met. Even in the best, most loving home, this is true. And you needed to do it in a way that made you non-threatening to your parents. 

You were domesticated! 

The shape you were moulded into was based on the needs of you mother, father, care-giver, society, religion and culture.

If you take a child from anywhere in the world and put them in another culture, not their own, they will learn the language of the new culture and speak it like a native. That’s how adaptive we are as small, wild humans. 

But that imprint, that domestication, sticks with us and the world changes. The old programming eventually stops being appropriate to the needs of your new life as an adult. The problem is that the domestication happened so early and you learnt it so well, you think it’s you. You think you are the program. But you aren’t. You are trapped, blinded and paralysed by the very thing that helped you survive! And you can’t grow and you can’t adapt when you can’t differentiate the free, wild, un-patterned self from the imprinted program that you’re running.

Time doesn’t heal. Time solidifies the domestication. It drives the programming into the subconscious and makes it harder to change. 

But you can change!

You can change, adapt and thrive when you can identify your programming and separate it from yourself. 

First, though, you need to believe that you can change, then you need to start the archaeology. 

Understanding your past, and most importantly, recognising that YOUR PAST ISN’T YOU, is how you begin the journey to a new future.

That’s what my approach to coaching is about, quickly recognising the old patterns, weeding them out and replacing them with more effective ones. 

I’m offering a fresh round of free intro sessions to 10 people.

If you’re stuck, if you want something different from what you’re seeing in your life everyday, if you just want more, this is for you!

P.S. It’s free because I want you to sign up for a longer series of paid sessions, but I want to deliver enough in your free session that even if you don’t carry on, you have strategies and new insight that will point the way forwards. So, if this speaks to you, send me a DM and we can start the process of getting onto the powerful path of actually CREATING the life you want.